Fort Worth Diocesan Council

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Diocesan Council:
Pres. Message

HOW IT ALL STARTED: In 1833, in France, during stormy discussions about Christianity a student shouted and asked the catholic group

"Christianity has done wonders in the past; but now it is dead! You, who boast of being Catholics, what do you do? You give your alms to the Church and you expect the Priest and the Nuns to do your job. What are your activities, activities that prove your faith and which might persuade us to adapt it? "

Impressed by this viewpoint, Frederick Ozanam (founder of SVDP) and a few friends reflected: "Let us not speak so much of charity - let us rather do it and let us help the poor, for after all,they are God's messengers, sent to us to prove our justice, charity, and our faith and to save us by our WORKS. " This was the start of the SVDP movement within the Catholic Church and is now an international Society of lay people devoted to serving the poor and the helpless. For more info, click on the SVDP links shown below.