St George's Catholic Church
3508 Maurice Ave
Fort Worth, TX (817) 831-4404
SVDP-Saint George conference officers/members:
President :--------------John English
Vice Presidents :---------Lupe Luna & Patricia Luna
Treasurer: -------------John Vernon
Secretaries: ----------- Diana Oliveros & Juan Ramirez
Spiritual Adviser: ------- Joe Yanes
Vincent de Paul (1581 - 1660)
"You will find out that charity is a heavy burden to carry, heavier than the bowl of soup and the full basket. But you will keep your generosity and your smile, it is not enough to give bread and soup, this the rich can do. Always be sincere and good-humoured. The poor are your masters and the more difficult they will be, the more love you must give them. For it is only by your love that they forgive you for offering them bread."
....Please reflect on this and join us !!